

kelly elisa (she/her)

contact information 

︎ kellyklaver@gmail.com

curriculum vitae

rMA Cultural Analysis (2019-2021)
University of Amsterdam
cum laude  

MSc Communication Science (Media & Influence) (2015-2016)
~ Radboud University
cum laude 

minor: Journalism 

BSc Communication Science (2012-2015)
~ Radboud University
bene meritum 

University of Amsterdam (2023 - now)
~ teacher & tutor 

Achterhoek Nieuwsmedia,
Lichtenvoorde (2014 - now)
~ correspondent

The Hague (2022)
~ digital editor 

Wonda Collective,
Amsterdam (2018-2019)
~ digital editor 

Soapbox Journal for Cultural Analysis, Amsterdam (2018)
~ contributing writer 

      i am an Amsterdam-based teacher and journalist with an interest in interdisciplinary research and a love for autotheory, narrative non-fiction and literary journalism. 

my writing and research usually focus on the intersections of (pop) culture, feminism, gender and race with specific affinity with questions about identity, the body and the self in the (Western) cultural symbolic and disturbances of the destribution of the sensible.

i am well-versed in feminist theory, gender studies, affect theory, critical race theory, post- and decolonial theory, and theories of embodiment.